Enter the realm of simplified integration with the Global Webhook, a powerful platform designed and developed by SurveySparrow, enabling users to harness SurveySparrow events and seamlessly notify other applications. This marks a significant stride towards automation excellence.

Event - An event can be defined as a change of state. It is used to notify someone that something has happened.

For example, the creation of a contact can be considered an event, and receiving a response to a survey can be considered a submission event.

The purpose of Global Webhook is to streamline the process of data retrieval from SurveySparrow to other applications. This removes the unnecessary overhead of repeatedly making API calls to SurveySparrow.

What will you learn?

In this tutorial, you will gain an in-depth practical understanding of Global Webhook by creating one yourself. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial.

Note: It is important to leverage all the various configurations and authorization procedures involved in creating the webhook.

Let's get started!!

As you know, the event payload is sent to an endpoint URL which you will provide when you create the webhook. The endpoint URL doesn't allow http endpoints.

Real-Time Scenerio

Imagine you have two online tools – SurveySparrow and a third party application. You want these tools to work seamlessly together. One best way to achieve this is through Global Webhook.

In this scenario, let's say SurveySparrow is where you collect information about your contacts. Whenever a new contact is created there, you want this information to be instantly sent to the third party application, keeping everything up-to-date.

Here's where the Global Webhook comes into play. You set up the endpoint URL (associated with the third party application) within SurveySparrow. Now, whenever a new contact is created in SurveySparrow, it sends an automatic message (event payload) to that endpoint URL.

The third party application is constantly listening at this endpoint URL. As soon as it receives the message, it knows to take action. In this case, it creates a new contact using the event payload on their database, sent from SurveySparrow.

This way, the two tools are in constant communication. Anytime a new contact appears in SurveySparrow, the third party application is immediately in the know and can update its records accordingly.

Let's get started with creating your first webhook!!

Let's locate the Webhooks in SurveySparrow.

You will find a list of required and optional fields. These fields are important to fill in and detailed explanations of the fields are down below.

Webhook Creation

Webhook Configuration

Secret Token

The secret token helps in the process of verifying that the event payload is sent from SurveySparrow to your server.

What happens behind the scenes?

Endpoint URL (POST Method)

Enter the URL to which SurveySparrow should send the event payload.

When the selected events get triggered, the webhook app will make a POST request to the endpoint URL where the event payload will be passed in the request body.

Next, click on the validate button to validate the URL.

To validate from your server, the platform expects the endpoint URL to return the status code of 200 and the content type as application/json.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

This will allow SurveySparrow to check if the endpoint URL is valid.

Authentication Header (Optional)

This is where you can specify extra headers to the POST request. There is also an option to keep it default as well.

These extra headers provide added security to your webhook.

Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication

OAuth Authentication

OAuth Authentication

Token Authentication

Note: In both Token Authentication and OAuth Authentication, the platform expects the token URL to return the response in the below format.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Custom Headers

As the name suggests, it allows you to specify customized key-value pairs which you can send as part of the headers.

Custom Headers

Select the events

Here, you can select the events whose data you want to fetch. Below are some of the most commonly used events in SurveySparrow. Please refer to this documentation for more information.

For instance, let's say you've selected the onSubmissionComplete event. Now, every time a response is submitted in any of the surveys in your SurveySparrow account, a POST request is made to the endpoint URL with the event payload in the body of the request.

The same applies to all of the events of SurveySparrow. You can select multiple events on one webhook app as well.

You can find the sample data or payload that will be sent to the endpoint URL on the right.

Click on save and your webhook will be created successfully!!

You can find the list of all the webhooks on the developer portal.

All Webhooks

  1. Rate limiting is enforced on Global Webhooks. It restricts each event payload transmission to a maximum of 5000 occurrences per day within a single webhook.
    • In simple terms, 5000 payload transmissions for one event per day per webhook
  2. In the body of the POST request sent to the endpoint URL, the data will be sent in a format similar to the one given below. Note that the event payload varies for each event. Below event payload is an example for onSubmissionComplete event.
        "eventType": "onSubmissionComplete",
        "ruleEvent": "SUBMISSION_COMPLETED",
        "objectType": "SUBMISSION",
        "data": {
          "id": 100000105,
          "time_taken": "3.00",
          "state": "COMPLETED",
          "device_type": "COMPUTER",
          "feedback": null,
          "ip": null,
          "location": null,
          "language": "en",
          "geo_info": {},
          "created_at": "2023-12-20T08:31:18.496Z",
          "updated_at": "2023-12-20T08:31:18.650Z",
          "account_id": 100000011,
          "contact": {
            "email": "kjher@gmail.com",
            "full_name": "kjher",
            "last_name": "",
            "first_name": "kjher",
            "createddate": "12-20-2023",
            "id": 100014810
          "score": 8,
          "meta_data": {
            "browser": "Chrome",
            "os": "macOS 10.15.7",
            "time_zone": "Asia/Calcutta",
            "browser_language": "en-GB"
          "survey": {
            "id": 100000060,
            "survey_type": "NPSChat",
            "name": "IHCL NPS"
          "folder": {
            "id": 100000011,
            "name": "General"
          "answers": {
            "100000103": {
              "answer": 8,
              "question": "How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend or colleague?",
              "question_type": "NPSScore",
              "question_tags": [],
              "question_id": 100000103,
              "skipped": false
          "variables": {
            "variable_1": "56"
          "expressions": {
            "1001000001": "9.000000000000000"
          "channel": {
            "id": 100000532,
            "type": "LINK",
            "name": "Web Link Share",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "web_url": "https://3f8f-117-221-62-213.ngrok-free.app/s/IHCL-NPS/ntt-x7MchBF3QaiUfjoU3ytCvq"
        "account_id": 100000011

Congratulations on reaching the end of this comprehensive tutorial on Global Webhooks by SurveySparrow! We've covered the setup process, configurations, authentication methods, and event selection, providing you with a deep understanding of Global Webhooks.

If you have any lingering doubts or queries, we encourage you to connect with our vibrant developer community.

Alternatively, if you prefer direct assistance, our support team is ready to address your concerns. Drop us an email at support@surveysparrow.dev, and our dedicated support professionals will get back to you promptly.

Your success in implementing Global Webhooks is our priority, and we are here to ensure a smooth and enriching experience throughout your integration journey.

Happy webhook-ing!